Welcome to Southern Comfort!

Hi, I'm Elizabeth and I invite you to grab a glass of sweet tea and join me as I (along with my husband, John) renovate our love nest. We're both born and raised in the south and love to share with you some of our favorite recipes, stories and our life. We hope you'll come back often!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Coconuts Part III: The last of the Trilogy

How's that for a title? When I started this vacay post I figured it would be in 2 parts, but not 3. Oh well. You get to hear read more of me. Or you can just skip through the pictures. I don't blame you. Pinky swear.

Here's a picture of the resort. Can you believe this shot? On the last day, I may have crawled hallways looking for the best place for a good picture. I may have gone up a flight of stairs that lead no where. I may have found a window for roof access (when I say window, I mean a hole in the stucco wall since they don't use "windows" in Mexico. Too much glass and cleaning I suppose). And I may have hung my head out said "window" and noticed a sign that said "employees only". Why in the world would they put the best place for a picture in the only place I could crawl to for employees only? And just so you know, J. wouldn't come with me. He's not adventureous like that. I think he's afraid of getting in trouble. Brown noser. Just kidding. Kinda.

 I loved the resort. It was beautiful. I'd love to hire their landscapers to come to our house. I don't know much about yard work to make things pretty. I know how to rip up what I don't like and make a complete mess, but putting it back together is out of my element. Drats.

I was able to take up a new hobby while we were there. It was called Coati hunting. It was my idea. When we first arrived, bags in hand, I spotted one of these little guys.

They're called Coati's (pronounced coat-ee). After first glance, I was hooked. Was it a mongoose? A racoon? A monkey? Golly they're cute and most importantly, can I hold one?!? It was instant love. All week I stalked them. I caught the picture below coming back from the pool one afternoon. The people in the room above were feeding them Fritos. How adorable are they? John wouldn't let me get much closer. He was afraid I'd get some weird disease or my eyeballs scratched out. He's so protective, and again, non-adventurous. Looking back I wish I had smuggled one back home with me. At least I know I could fill my bag with Fritos and they'd be just happy as a clam. Besides, who can resist the smell of Fritos?
I'm sure once I batted my eyes at the Customs officer they'd let me bring him back. Right? Thought so.

Can't you just see our house with John, myself, the dog, the two cats and a kote? The cats would have a ball! I can practically hear the hissing now. Ha!

So there you have it. The highlights of our wonderful trip. I want to go back again. Maybe for a 5 yr anniversary? Yes? Done. See you in 3.5 years Mexico.

*P.S. I've gotten lots of questions about how safe we felt. In a lot of ways, we both felt like we'd never left the US. Everyone was polite, accomodating, helpful and fun. We saw no evidence of any turmoil. Several staff at the resort said the community of Cancun is very protected by the locals because they rely on tourists for their livelihood. And I'd be happy to return any day.*

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are incredible! The resort is simply gorgeous, love the coatis and that last one with the airplane wing and the water??? Absolutely amazing!!! You should offer that one up for use by American Airlines -- with royalties, of course. =D So glad you two had a wonderful honeymoon.


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